What is it in your hand?
... So the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand? He said, "A rod." Exodus 4:2
What is it in your hand?
No one came to earth with nothing, we were all endowed with sets of gifts and talents. They are not to personally serve ourselves, friends and family but we were given them to serve a larger community, God's people.
Your duty and my duty is to find out or discover what is it in my hand. As you give that to the world in a form of service, the world will give you what you need and in abundance.
Perhaps you need to ask your Maker, "Lord what is it that You created me for? If these questions are not perpetually asked, you will be doomed into printing CV's all your life, begging people to hire you, going to work doing something that you don't like just to pay bills and eventually die with a miracle in your hand that the world did not experience. One writer said that the richest place in the world is not the gold, coal and diamond mines but its the cemetery. There you find books that were never written, poems that were never articulated, buildings that were never built, Phd graduates that were lazy to study so they never attained them, there you find talents and gifts that were never realized; someone extended this and said there you even find the cure of diseases that scourge the planet.
Let us meet you before you die!
You are too big, special and awesome to live just to pay bills and die. Discover what is it that you were given for the service of mankind. Let me warn you, what is in your hand is not very difficult to discover but it is bigger than you and you do not have funds to start it at the same time you do not need any kind of human support or funds to start it but you need yourself with the right attitude. Be willing to do what others will not do in order to get what others will not get. Be willing to loose your sleep for it and loose your terror. Our problem is that we aim too low and hit and eventually get comfortable with the achievements of yesterday in the wrong time which is today. The mission we are called for, that of which we were created for is too high, we must always aim for the moon so that if we miss we fall on the stars. This is the attitude we ought to emulate, to always look forward to what is higher than yesterday.
Moses' rod was probably a long wooden pole with a familiar shepherds' crook in one end. However, into a snake God turned it to demonstrate the reality of His power to Moses. And it was going to help Moses in the upcoming mission of signs and wonders in Egypt and it was going to help Moses to part and close the red sea. I am a Moses of this time in my own dimension and no one can compete with me for I am too unique. That's what you are as well, believe it with every fibre of your body.
What is it in your hand?
I want to ensure the unemployed that you have work already, that work is to discover what makes you different from the rest of us, why is it that you have your own unique fingerprints; no one is like you and no one will ever be. Once you discover that, the world will pay you a fortune and you will never look for employment again and you will be free to pursue your spiritual goals and commit to charity work and family development. If you get employment it will be because you were solicited, head hunted and you will negotiate your worth. It is all in your hand! Find out what it is and work on it even when they call you scary or strange, of cause you are strange, no one has your ID number. You are a miracle that came from your Father above. You have a divine DNA, it is impossible for you to think like us, you cannot even walk or dress or even speak like us. You are like your Father.
From today you have work to do you, and that work is to tap into your spirit, look inside you and find your sets of gits and talents before going out there to look for a job. Let that job find you working your dream, your purpose in this life. As you tap into your spirit you will be in touch with the Higher Spirit Being, your Maker, He will reveal you to you and in the process He will reveal Himself and His divine mission for you. You were knitted with greatness within you; you owe it to God to unleash the miracle that you are.
Whats in your hand will destroy the pillars racial lines, will break you and and expose what culture took away from you. You do not come from anyone but your Father in heaven as I have said. The reason why it is called mother Africa is because child does not get their identity or inheritance from their mother but they get it from their father. In your continent or country you were mothered but your DNA, your Identity and your inheritance comes from your Father. Therefore you cannot take the identity of your motherland and think black, white, coloured or indian but you think and act like your Father. I am my Fathers' Son and He calls me Son, and sometimes He calls me Prince Sipho. He has promised me that when I meet Him face to face, I shall receive from Him a crown of glory and be a king with Him in rulership. Before I get there I have a duty here on earth to liberate my Fathers' sons and daughters from employment that turns them into slaves to their masters.
Discover your work in what you have in your hand and serve the world. It is necessary that you unleash the beast in you.
Be blessed!
Written by: Pastor S.A. Ngcobo