… The Paradox of Christ…!!!
Isaiah 9:6
Last night I had a privilege of seating at the feet of Ps Z Mbatha. While he was anointed to preach on the above mentioned text and topic, the man of God went on to reveal to the house packed of young and old people that whenever God chooses or wants a man for His mission or purpose He looks for a woman first.
I was smitten by this concept and my mind went on looking for instances where God did this miracle in the bible and I found this:
In the book of Genesis chapter 2:7, humanity is created in the loins of a man, the name Adam is Adamah which means humanity. This means that in the loins of Adam humanity was created, all races we have today under the sun were created in the body of Adam. But for humanity to be born, God had to choose or create a woman. Now the woman is a man, a man with a womb, a male with a fetus. Nothing is created by God without a purpose; this womb, this fetus does not make this female man less important to the male man. For God had different purposes for both of them, He chooses a woman for any man he wants for His mission to be accomplished.
The Paradox of Christ!
Conceived in the mind of God, created in the body of Adam, kneated and put together in the womb of a woman. What a mighty God we serve! We need to stand together and protect, love and cherish women for divinity chooses them to make us who we are today. These are special species God put on planet earth.
When Samson was to touch base with planet earth God went to a woman to give instructions of this special child. The prophecy of two nations (Jacob and Essau) to be born, God spoke and revealed it to Rebekah the wife of Isaac. For Moses to be preserved and protected in Egypt, for the latter purpose of leading Israel out of Egypt to Canaan, God chose the Princess of Egypt.
Once upon a time the whole nation of Israel received instructions, prophecy, the presence of God through a woman; the mighty nation of old in the hands of a woman, Deborah. This was not just once, there was also a point where the nation of Israel was in danger in Persia where God chose Esther, a woman to save His people from being attacked and killed.
I remember some where in scripture the same nation of Israel, their safety and protection in the hands of a lady who ran a brothel, a prostitute by the name of Rahab. God chooses even women with a question mark. For King David to be born, a Moabite woman was chosen, Ruth is the name.
The Paradox of Christ
My father could not have given birth to me, heaven had to look for Nombulelo Maria Mchunu to be married to Bhekuyise Alfred Ngcobo for me to be born. However, I do not come from them, in the mind of God I was conceived and endowed with a divine purpose. In the end God had to choose a woman for me to touch base with planet earth, I admire the ways of the Lord. To women out there, to be chosen by God is of highest privilege and honour, I urge you to walk tall, accept and love yourselves for special purposes that God created you for.
Last but not least, God went and spoke to Mary the fiance’ of Joseph for Jesus to be born. God speaks to a woman to give us a great man. For unto us a Child is born.
Inspired by Z.O Mbatha