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We need this kind of Leadership in our time!


…Then Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Oh these people have committed a great sin, and have made for themselves a god of gold. Yet now, if You will forgive their sin- but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written…” Ex. 32:31-32


In our families, workplace, churches, communities, and even in our nations, we desperately need this kind of Leadership that God raised in the life of Moses. Moses portrayed the character of God, the character of Christ on the Cross of Calvary. He became a god on earth. Now I understand why God uttered these words to him by the burning bush: Ex. 4:16. Aaron your brother will be yours spokesperson and you shall be to him as God.
This is the leadership we need all our spheres of life; sacrificial leadership.


We need this kind of Leadership!


No one must exempt or exclude themselves to this call of leadership. We do not become leaders by position nor by power but we are leaders by right. Its a God given right that we become leaders that we were created to be. See Gen. 1:28 the 1st commandment from God to humanity. “Be Fruitful and Multiply; Fill the earth and Subdue it; have Dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on earth.”

We are indeed leaders. And as man and women, we were designed to lead together and not dominate each other. Oh well, this is the subject for another day.

The Lord God through Moses is calling us to assume our God given right; the right to leadership. Learn to lead like God, lead like Christ. Servanthood leadership, that of putting others first, that of willing to lay down your life for others. This cannot be achieved without accepting, appreciating, and loving the person that you are. Take care of yourself and live an upright life, someone is taking notes and they admire you and wish to be like you. You needed that particular body to fulfill what God implanted in you. Just love it, it doesn’t matter how others looks at you but to the One who Created you, you are special, adorable and magnificent with that Body. In fact people should paying you a lot of money just to see you. You are an admiration of God.

People will respond to you the way you respond to yourself.

You needed that gender to walk perfectly in God’s purpose, do not change it. No one is like you and no one will ever be like you. You are the most precious Gift that God wants to manifest His Glory and Power in. Your background is not your disadvantage but it is your blessing, your advantage, its where God wanted to raise a giant, that is you. Do not listen to any one who mocks your environment and your background. They do not understand the miracle born in that environment, that is you. Therefore embrace yourself, harness your pain for in it there’s a miracle the world has never seen. I am telling you, it does not matter how old you are; what has divinely or humanly transpired on and in your life, it is nothing compare to what God is doing and about to do with you and in you.

Becoming a leader is first of all appreciating who you are. Every morning look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I love you/me…”

This will lead you to seek to know who made this wonderful, beautiful and magnificent human being. You will find God and God will reveal to you Himself and people who will admire, love, appreciate you; some will even pay you for just being you.


Become the leader you were created to be!




Pastor Sipho Andreas Ngcobo


47 – 55 Gillitts Road,



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